Faith Formation
Religious Education Forms & Information
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Faith Formation of Adults
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Are you new to the Catholic Church? We are eager to meet you and your family and to introduce you to the Catholic faith, a faith full of rich history and sacred traditions.
The purpose of the RCIA is to allow an adult to understand the gift of Christ, both within themselves and through the life of the Church. During a six month period of study and reflection, each adult who participates will be strengthened spiritually in the teachings of the Catholic Faith. At the conclusion of this instruction, the adult is ready to join the Church through the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. All are welcome to participate, from those with no experience in the faith to those who have been catechized.
If you are already a Catholic, come and bring a friend. Someone you know may be interested in becoming a Catholic, but chances are this person may wait to be invited.
Children’s Faith Formation
RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children)
Catholic faith formation is a lifelong journey, an ongoing maturation of faith as we continually respond to God’s love, while growing deeper in our understanding and increasing in faith and love for the Lord. It is with great joy that the Church of the Immaculate Conception catechists, along with parents, prepare the children to receive the sacraments and accompany them in walking closely walk with God.
As part of their faith formation, children are taught the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the importance of living their faith, from now and into their adulthood. Since our faith is meant to be lived and shared in our daily lives, faith formation, too, should not be limited only to our weekly sessions but should continue at home through daily prayer, conversation, the reading of Scripture, and, most importantly, through encounter with Christ in the Eucharist at Mass. By your example and through your own practicing of the faith, you give witness to Christ and serve as a missionary disciple, evangelizing to your own children and to all children in our parish.​